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Recruitment – Simple or Complicated Process

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How to Manage a simple but yet complicated Recruitment Process

Human Resource is an important position in any organization. This position is a bridge between the management and employees. There are lots of responsibilities an HR manager needs to head but the most common and vital role is Recruitment. As we step into the new decade, the changing trend of working style brings new challenges also. Recruitment means employ the right manpower to achieve organizations goal. Great recruitment can lead to success of an organization and bad recruitment can ruin it. So, here HR manager has a great responsibility to recruit the right person, on the right time and for the right position.

Before recruiting a person, some of the key factors which need to be keep it in mind:

1. Understand the Requirement

First and foremost important aspect an HR should take care is to understand the Client’s Strategy and the Project objectives for which they are going to recruit. Not necessary to go in-depth but it is must to know the vision, mission and goals of the project. This will help HR to understand what the company wants and who will be the right candidate for that specific position. HR should workout the following basic steps before starting the recruitment:

  • Clients Strategy of the project
  • The purpose of the project
  • Design the Job Description
  • Number of Candidates required for the project.
  • Candidates Exposure, Experience, Qualification and Knowledge for to the position.

It is very important that the HR should have a detailed meeting with the respective Project Manager to get a clear picture of the position.

2. Methods of Recruitment

There was a time when the recruitment process only depended on resume portals and newspaper ads. Once the recruiter posts a job, instinctively the position gets filled. But now the trend has changed drastically. Today the millennials are having a totally different view towards life. Whether it’s the work front or personal life, technology is the most prominent factor of their target. Now, HR should put their head to find an innovative way of recruitment. Social Media plays a significant and very effective way to approach the New Gen people. There are multiple platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and much more. Posting jobs through various Digital Platforms are very effective and get much fruitful result than any other methods.

3. Branding the position

Today, the new Gen candidates are very informative and can’t compromise to get what they want. Branding the position means, to showcase the complete details of the position which includes not only the Job description, experience, expertise and project details but also the growth hierarchy of the company and how it will be helpful for the candidate’s future growth. Now a day the candidate wants to know the culture of the company, career growth, upskilling opportunity, training platforms, other small and big incentives as they are more fascinated to do the interesting and purposeful work.

4. Job announcement

Posting job openings in any platform whether Digital or Traditional will not work out unless it attracts the right candidate. HR should take care that the description should be designed in a precise and informative way. HR should actively update themself with current leading technologies which enable them to become more proactive in hiring, determine a candidates culture fit and it improves communication between HR and candidates.

5. Keeping track of inactive resumes

It is important to keeping track of inactive resumes. Inactive resume means the candidate might have applied for a position in the past but were not suitable for the position at that period. HR needs to scrutinize the resume and they might get the right candidates from the list for their current project.

Recruitment plays a vital role in the HR world as it lays the foundation of the manpower selection and a right move will lead to a great success of the company.

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